Does anyone tried to connect I2C display to BierBot Brick?
I wanted to make temperature monitor for my fridges.
I modified your BierBot sonos firmware @Bernard, but it looks like i2c is not working properly.
I tried 3 different libraries
Same result. Nothing on LCD display.
Of course display is working when I make new project and test it.
Anyone any idea?
BierBot Brick with I2C LCD ??
Re: BierBot Brick with I2C LCD ??
Hi Remick, you can have a look a the Brookes Brick. Please note though, that you will be reading the raw temperature sensor and presumably you display will not take any temperature sensor offsets you calibrated in the backend into account. Cheers!
Re: BierBot Brick with I2C LCD ??
Try using Wire.h with LiquidCrystal_I2C.h and double-check the I2C address and wiring. If the display works in other projects, it might be a firmware issue. And for better image quality you can use Image Compressor tool.
Try using Wire.h with LiquidCrystal_I2C.h and double-check the I2C address and wiring. If the display works in other projects, it might be a firmware issue. And for better image quality you can use Image Compressor tool.
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