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Pro API question

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 10:00 am
by Chuckg

Curious if there are any other endpoints exposed for use with the Pro API. Specifically, are ingredients accessible? Was hoping to leverage that to add ingredients. Someone asked about Crisp Malt. I have the data in beerxml format and could add it all that way. Heck I could add all the ingredients from Beersmith that way. :D


Re: Pro API question

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 9:40 am
by Bernhard
Hey Chuck,

sorry for the late reply (vacation). Generally, for others, adding ingredients is possible for every PRO member (a simple paywall to ease moderation). Currently all endpoints which are available are properly documented. But I'm happy to add more.

Can you provide an example how you would like it to look like? XML shaped bodies would probably be preferred by you, but to keep it consistent I prefer JSON.


Re: Pro API question

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 5:06 am
by Chuckg
Sorry. Was out of town myself and missed you posted. Not sure what you are asking but here is a sample of the CrispMalt in BeerXML format that I would use. My plan would be get to write something that data maps your endpoints for ingredients to the equal endpoint in the beerxml and then imports it via json post/get to the inventory. From what I am understanding if I do that as a pro user then all users would have access to that inventory. I think that gets at what you were telling the user who asked about Crisp Malt.
